Chocolatillo River Biological Inventory - WCS, Bahuaja Sonene National Park - Puno
Once again and after the successful expedition to Cuchilla Mountain in 2011, we were invited by the Peruvian Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) office to be in charge of the base camp construction and the Chocolatillo River Biological Inventory management in the BahuajaSonene National Park southest limit, between 400 and more than 1100 meters above sea level, in the province of Puno.
The abrupt and challenging altitude gradient, added to the incessant rains with the consequent flooding of streams where the toughest obstacles to overcome, not only for the advanced logistics team but also for the experienced investigators that evaluated up to 06 taxonomic groups (birds, mammals, insects, plants, amphibians, reptiles and fish).
All the proposed objectives were accomplished in a very professional manner and thanks to the invaluable support from Infierno community inhabitants and from other “Tigers” that joined this cause, the inventory was a success and we are sure that our researcher friends will surprise us shortly with the results of their findings. To all of them, our appreciation for joining their efforts and meeting with this unforgettable experience.