RBI – Cerro La Escalera

This year, like the past ones, we were called upon by the Field Museum of Chicago to help with the pre-advance and Field logistics for the Rapid Biological Inventory that was to take place at Cerro La Escalera area in the Loreto region. This inventory was carried out in response to the request from the Shawis native’s commnunities to extend the conservation area of Cerro la Escalera protected area in San Martin state into their territory in Loreto, in order to protect the remaining mountain massif, which is currently under pressure. This time Ecologística Perú was in charge of the construction brigade, responsible for building camp number 2, located at the Cachiyacu river bank and surrounded by an amazing landscape of rugged mountains, rocky creeks and steep hills, all of which kept us in a constant challenge to reach and access the points of interest for the respective studies. The participation of our friends the Shawis from the communities of Balsa Puerto, Canoa Puerto, San Lorenzo and Nueva Luz were key for the investigation and, in record time (10 days), we were able to count with a luxury campsite with approximately 22 kilometers of correctly marked trails. As always, it was all possible thanks to the efforts of different actors who are committed to keep moving forward in the protection of the forest and its resources. To all of them: Thank you!!

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