Sudden trip for Pallas TV - France

Many times, we receive requests for specific logistics services in remote areas, but at the request of our own clients, the trip must be kept completely confidential due to the importance of the surprise factor for the objective of the work.

This was the case of a new service from the French production company Pallas TV to make a lightning trip to the Tingo María area, known in the 1990s as the cradle of coca production in Peru. We had to take a journalist, who would arrive in Lima in a week, there and look for a foreign person who had lived for a year and a half in Europe and the only information was that he was in Peru and that he lived in a town called Castilla Grande.

We turned to our contacts and friends and managed to get a local fixer; Gabriel, who knew the entire area of interest so we made sure we had a good 4x4 truck and we just needed to put together the trip schedule, the budget and that's it. We did so and the production accepted our budget without hesitation.

The date of the trip arrived and our fixer departed from Lima by air to Huánuco. There Gabriel received us and from there, by road, we arrived at Tingo María. Gabriel was not only an excellent informant but also an experienced driver for the roads of the entire region. We were locating the few foreigners who lived there and through them, we came to find the person we were looking for.

Without a doubt, quality local contacts and finding the right local actors were key to the success of this project. Total thanks to our friends and collaborators!!!