Corriedale Sheeps World Congress PERU 2024 – Carhuamayo, Junín

The first contact for this trip was in 2023 but for certain reasons the congress was postponed to this year 2024, when we were asked to be in charge of the logistical assistance in Junín and Pasco regions for 10 foreigner travelers from Australia and the USA that will come to take part of the congress. Since the congress took part in more than three Andean regions, we took charge of even four days with our specialized fixer; Sally Laurente, who is originally from Tarma and for sure, she was the key for the excellent service we could provide to the congress assistants and to interact with the local organizers too.

Due to an unexpected issue at the Lima airport, we could not take the flight to Jauja the very first day and instead we had to go 7 hours by bus on the winding roads of the Andean Mountains. We had people feeling the change of elevation and as a fixer well prepared for these situations was key, I was able to assist and made sure they were well taken care of. Every day we had a full schedule of activities, at least a couple of hours drive every time and we had to visit a few cooperatives where farmers and members were delighted waiting for our group; at every spot they had drinks, snacks and food to offer. They could not believe how locals were willing to give them the best experience and welcoming. At lunchtime every day, we had Pachamanca, the central Andes special meal of Peru.

We had visitors from United States and Australia, among them, the president of the congress; Michael and his father, they used to have a sheep farm in the Puno region, very known and in every cooperative or town, they were asking for his father. We were able to share the “shining path” stories and how hard was for the “hacendados” to survive those times. Nicholas, one of the Australian clients had been to Peru 15 years ago, but wanted to return for this special congress and he was able to compare how the country and specially the area had changed; It was awesome to share and learn at the same time from them. They all were very kind people to spend time with, very knowledgeable and always willing to share their stories and experiences.

Thanks to our new friends of the Ninacaca, Carhuamayo and Huayllay cooperatives, the visitors felt very well taken care. Thanks to Maria Cecilia and Diego from GM Investments who trust on our field logistical experience. Thanks to Kathy, from the Union Restaurant, who attentions to the group was very caring and helped us with everything we needed during our meal times. Thanks Carhuamayo, it was a real pleasure!!!