NHK Japan TV and Carbon credits

In August, we received a message from Mexico City where the office of the representative of NHK Japan for all environmental issues in Latin America is located. They were looking for experiences in Peru of Carbon Credit projects. The particularity of this request was that they were not looking precisely for successful projects but rather for projects that had generated conflicts between the state, NGOs and the local population and we immediately knew that there was a lot to investigate.

To our surprise, we found that there were precisely two initiatives in the San Martin region that involved a National Park and a Regional Conservation Area in conflict with the population of the Kichwa ethnic group and it was NHK itself that asked us to help them reach those locations. Thanks to our good relations with the national indigenous movement, we managed to locate in record time various local actors and Kichwa leaders directly involved with both cases and we were thus able to plan and organize a trip with the NHK TV team to the area.

In addition to the field activities, the NHK team’s research was also complemented with interviews with local actors in Lima, for which we had the support of other fixers with more experience in the city and their skills and capabilities were demonstrated in the success of said interviews and in complementary filming of our capital.

Thanks to our new Kichwa friends from CEPKA and FEPIKECHA for their kindness and willingness towards the team, to Rodrigo Ponce in Tarapoto and to Verena Matsufuji and Augusto Lescano, our super fixers in Lima, without them the NHK objectives and the trip would not have been the same. Thank you!!!